For stressed-out city dwellers, silent retreats — being dubbed one of the biggest “travel trends” of 2013 – may be the perfect antidote to the constant noise of busy, work-driven urban lives. Although these Walden-esque getaways are not for the faint-hearted (the retreats require days of solitude and ero interaction with technology, in most cases), their restorative benefits are many. Increasingly, travelers seeking relaxation, balance and spiritual renewal are heading to meditation centers from the Berkshires to Big Sur in search of simplicity.
If you’re ready to completely unplug and recharge, you might want to consider taking a temporary vow of silence at one of the country’s best spiritual centers. From a lodge in rural Oregon surrounded by natural hot springs to a coastal California getaway, these 10 meditation facilities offer group and personal silent retreats for a few days to a full month of nothing but stillness and de-stressing. Click through the slideshow below for our top picks in the U.S.
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Gon aga Eastern Point Retreat House, Gloucester, MA
Located in a stone mansion on the scenic Massachusetts coast, the a href=””Jesuit-run retreat center /aoffers silent retreats ranging from four days to one month in length. The spiritual rituals follow the teachings of St. Ignatius, and all retreats at the center are completely silent.
With single-room accomodations for up to 50 guests, the retreat house offers greater privacy than many other meditation and retreat centers. But the house fills up quickly — plan on booking around six months in advance. Two-day weekend retreats start at $300.
Green Gulch Center, Muir Beach, CA
Tucked away in the eucalyptus-filled valley inland from Northern California’s scenic Muir Beach, a href=”http://www.sf″Green Gulch en Center/a and farm — an outpost of the San Francisco en Center — follows the Japanese Soto en tradition. Visits make their way up the wnding Shoreline Highway for classes, short-term and long-term retreats (silent and non-silent), and organic farming apprenticeships, and all guests enjoy vegetarian fare grown on the Green Gulch Farm. Single occupancy rooms start at $90/night, while double occupancy begins at $160/night.
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY
One of the largest retreat centers in the Northeast, the Omega Institute offers yoga, mindfulness mediation and silent retreats, sustainable living programs and a variety of workshops and speakers.
The Institute will be offering a a href=”″seven-night silent retreat/a in September 2013 with spiritual leader Adyashanti, and welcomes guests to enjoy personal retreats in silence year-round. Per-person two-night weekend rates start at $186 for camping, $288 for a single dorm, and $524 for a deluxe double cabin room.
Kripalu Yoga Center, Lennox, MA
The world-renowned a href=””Kripalu Yoga Center/a, nestled in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts, offers guests personal and organi ed retreats throughout the year, both silent and non-silent.
Try starting out with a three-day silent a href=””yogic breathing and asana retreat/a in April, or if you’re ready, create your own personali ed silent retreat. Dormitory room rates begin at $86/night.
Breitenbush Hot Springs, Detroit, OR
a href=””Breitenbush Hot Springs /a retreat center describes itself as a “place to bring life back into balance,” and its rural location in a remote Oregon forest only adds to the peaceful ambiance. Enjoy soaking in natural hot springs, historic lodge, labyrinth and “Buddha’s Playhouse.” Enjoy silence surrounded by nature at this top-rated retreat center.
Dormitory-style lodging starts at $54/night, while cabin rooms start at $74/night.
Mount Madonna Center, Watsonville, CA
Up in the Santa Cru Mountains south of San Francisco, Mount Madonna is a haven for yoga retreats, individual getaways, silent retreats and spiritual renewal. Guests can take advantage of miles of hiking, daily yoga classes, a hot tub surrounded by towering trees, vegetarian meals and group events.
Check the a href=””center’s calendar/a for dates of 2013 silent retreats, or plan a trip on your own for an individual weekend of silence. Prices for camping start at $48/night, with rooms starting at $93/night including meals and facility use.
Palolo en Center, Honolulu, HI
On 13 acres of conservation in the picturesque Waimao Valley, surrounded by wildlife, the a href=””Palolo en Center /aoffers a silent retreat experience is a tropical vacation setting. The en Buddhist center has a residential facility for long-term guests and lodging for visitors, and at just $45 per night for a room and instruction, it’s an affordable option for a longer stay. The center offers periodic silent group retreats, or emsesshins/em, that range from three to eight days. Room rates start at $45/night for non-members.
Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
Right on the breathtaking Big Sur coastline, the a href=””Esalen Institute /ahas welcomed peace-seekers for over 50 years. Visitors can incorporate a silent regime into their personal retreat, or sign up for organi ed group silent retreats and intensive mindfulness meditation retreats.
Esalen is a more upscale (and expensive) option than traditional en centers like Green Gulch and Palolo, offering greater amenities and a more resort-like atmosphere. Weekend workshop rates start at $405/person.
Insight Meditation Society, Barre, MA
Founded to spread the method of emmetta /em (“lovingkindness”) and emvipassana/em (“insight”) meditation, a href=””Insight Meditation Society/a has evolved into one of the most active mindfulness communities in the U.S. Choose from two-day to three-month structured retreats at the Retreat Center, longer-term personal retreats at the Forest Refuge. Participants are asked to honor the condition of “Noble Silence” to facilitate deepened awareness and a peaceful environment.
The society also has a center in New York City that offers retreats and day-long workshops. Retreat fees are on a sliding scale basis.
Southern Dharma Retreat Center
This Hot Springs, North Carolina a href=””Buddhist retreat center/a offers meditation and silent retreats led by spiritual teachers. Enjoy the peaceful quiet of nature with miles of Blue Ridge Mountains outside of Asheville, NC.
The small retreats feature a maximum of 30 participants and emphasi es a learning environment. Programs are open to both beginners and those who have been practicing silent mediation for decades. Lodging fees start at $75/night, including meals.
10 Awesome U.S. Silent Retreat Centers For Peace, Quiet & De-Stressing
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